Thursday, June 21, 2012

Getting Started!

Hello and welcome! My name is Kate and I am a young twenty-something with a passion for baking. Though I have always been a creative person and I grew up learning how to cook from my mother, it has only been during the past few months that I really discovered my love for baking. I suppose it started when I purchased the Martha Stewart "Cupcakes" cookbook for my mom this past Christmas. She hasn't cracked the book more than twice since I gave it to her, as far as I know, but I've certainly put it to use. The first time I flipped through the book I found myself marking every other page with scraps of paper, designating them as "must-try" recipes. Every time I went to a party or to an event where more than two people were gathered, I used it as an excuse to try a new cupcake recipe.

Over the past few months I have begun to explore and expand my new-found love for baking and am considering how to make it a permanent part of my life. I was recently hired by a new local restaurant called the MAC Diner to be a prep cook and the restaurant's lead baker. Nancy, the owner, has a big personality and even bigger plans for this 70's-themed diner which will be serving specialty mac and cheese, breakfast all day and (of course) my confectionary creations. The restaurant is still going through the inspection process but we hope to open after the July 4th weekend. I am SO excited to put some of my cooking skills to use and to have the opportunity to do some baking.

By now you may be wondering what the purpose of this blog is. This is not just a place for me to ramble on about my new favorite recipe (though I'm sure I will do some of that...). It will also be a way for me to share some of the things I learn along the way. Did I mention that I am thinking about going to culinary school? I already have a BA in English so it might seem silly to go back and get another undergrad degree, but the idea of pursuing a degree in Baking and Pastry, and potentially starting a career in this field, excites me. As I embark on this journey, I hope you'll join me in learning, experiencing and tasting new things. I'll share with you my successes and failures, posting tips and (of course) recipes that I discover along the way. I would love to get your feedback, too!

Though baking is my new obsession, I have always loved anything and everything that involves being creative. That being said, don't be surprised to find some DIY and craft posts sprinkled in among the recipes. Sometimes I feel like a bit of a hummingbird, always flitting from one flower (or project, in this case) to another. Hopefully you'll enjoy seeing what I come up with and I hope you'll share with me some of your own ideas. Happy reading!

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